Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dia: Beacon

I went to Beacon NY last Saturday, and the best part of the trip was the Dia:Beacon art museum. The museum occupies an old warehouse, which allows for large scale installations. Crawling out of my cave/apartment and visiting this wide open space with amazing art and energy was so great. My favorite exhibit was the Richard Serra steel pieces in this pic, the color was rich and the steel was thick, and you could walk into the center of each sculpture. Also of note was an Andy Warhol exhibit with great color. Before leaving, we walked through a garden of trees overflowing with pink blossoms. It was beautiful.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Moving Tribute

I had to pause this to stop myself from crying at work. I think nothing is the same after you lose a parent, the world changes. I watched my father go through this last year and was amazed by how far reaching the loss was, and how it's affected the way he lives his life. It seems like you lose yourself a bit, like there's no real way to prepare for how you're going to feel, and it emotionally ages you in unexpected ways.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

David Byrne for Freeee

My excitement levels are reaching heights never before achieved after learning of David Byrne's free show at the Prospect Bandshell on June 8th.

Read more.

Jenny Holzer Exhibit

I saw this exhibit last weekend at The Whitney and highly recommend it. Jenny Holzer combines led ticker tapes with declassified documents from the war in Iraq, and the effect is a comment on how we access and internalize information.