Friday, April 30, 2010

Something about this photo..

is inspiring love in my heart. via Sabino.

Danna Ray

Lovely watercolors reminding me of summer, Etsy.

Friday Filosophy

Panorama of Paris skyline

Click! For the most beautiful panoramic view of Paris at night, no disappointments I promise.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Serious love for this show! It's definitely dramatic, and some of it feels staged, but it also has an excellent message and amazing energy. Jamie won a TED award for his work helping to transform the way we approach food, and I think making his "revolution" into a reality show as a means to spread ideas is exciting. The best point that he continues to emphasize is the holistic nature of our everyday food choices - effecting everything from our health, energy, children, intellect, etc, all the way down to the environment we call home. Watch on hulu and get inspired!

Weekend Cooking

Chicken with fennel, olives, apricots, and carrots, so good! I overcooked the chicken as always, but this whole living recipe is quick, healthy and super yummy. I made mine more stew-like to put over grains.

"tank you tank you tank you, tanks a lert"

I know this is out of season, but it's so funny to me, and I'm still saying tanks a lert in my mind.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

WW's invisible plane..

is so weird. Who thought of this vehicle for a superhero? Also, she can fly soo, not really sure what the purpose is carry belongings? Wear a backpack mang. Print from RoganJosh.

So cute!

Safely rocking to Hot Chip at Coachella.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

haha, yes

"Seems like usually during this kind of 'fight,' where there is a lot of 'standing in place' and staring, there is usually a sentence from a song, or TV, or something, irrelevant to the situation, that gets repeatedly thought, sometimes maybe intentionally (to prolong one’s silence or apparent stoicism via distraction to gain some kind of vague advantage over the other)."

-Tao Lin, reviewing a Joshua Beckman poem

A note about blogs..

I love them! I love getting lost in the pieces of someone else's life for a bit and finding new ideas, adventures, inspiration and energy. I love coming across a statement, or a song or photo, a piece of art, that I want to crawl into and live inside of because it's beautiful and visceral and captures exactly how I feel at that instant. And then changes in the next. The web amazes me with it's capacity for sharing and bringing people together. So, beyond my mom who reads this because she supports all Lilly clan endeavors, I hope you friends glean at least a smile and at most some inspiration from my posts, I love to share it for this very purpose.


I will most likely get made fun of for this question, but can we please do this?? Come on know you want to.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Girl times

Oh man, can't every girl reading this post identify with this photo? It's that late night dance party where you're sort of still dressed and a little sloppy and yelling "I love to daance" in a Swedish accent while waiting for pizza..

Jeff Garlin's giggling

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Jeff Garlin
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party
He would be that friend that no matter how unfunny the joke is, if they're laughing you are too.

Ridiculous cuteness!!

How freaking adorable is Sarah's new haircut?!? It's like Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction is staring back at you, slightly smiling and wanting to hang.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Caring is for the birds..

The back of these bird's heads as photographed by Roni Horn is making me laugh.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Cooking

I did everything I could today to avoid studying for my final this week (so.distracted.) including some cooking. These black-eyed peas from smittenkitchen were quick and yummy, slightly spicy and infused with indian flavor. Nice and lite for spring.
I also made this curried cauliflower and green bean salad with lemon yogurt from Food & Wine for lunches this week. Yumskies. Can't wait for 12pm tomorrow. Gah! Must study!

Two more things..

LOVE these looks from Juliette Hogan,

and Romina Shama's photography.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hah! Omg.

"Cliff Penrose has been dubbed Britain's first "rabbit whisperer" for his ability to hypnotize bunnies by applying pressure and massaging them. He uses the technique on rabbits headed for the vet or to treat bunnies with behavioral issues." Look at those feeet!

Yes, this is happening.

Outside the Hollister store in Soho. I've been walking by these schmoes for like a month now, and it's so awkward I can't believe it. This poor girl is thinking "ooh, I'm embarrassed for you, don't make eye contact".

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros

 My sister posted these hippies on my facebook, and I have to say that I'm now mildly obsessed with the video. Mostly because I'm looking forward to a summer filled with peace, love, and hippies, ie my sister.

My brother built a fort.

And it is these types of forts that make life worth living.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hilarious Charades

I'm in hysterics over Tina Fey's movements at 2:10.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Poster Love

The Love Agency made these prints based on an assortment of indie song lyrics, here are two favorites from Pete Doherty and Elbow. Pretty huh?

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Gah! Emersonmade and her husband are so beautiful, and pretty much everything on her site is awesome. WANT.

Extinct Jobs

NPR published an article about jobs that are now extinct, which I think is so fascinating. You can even hear from people who used to hold these positions, I've posted a picture of Pin Setters in Brooklyn from 1910, and a Lamp Lighter in London from 1935. Can you imagine lighting a city of lamps? It seems like by the time they finished it would be light out.


Jeff Koons did a photo series of animal pairs for a NY Times article called "Can Animals be Gay?" This sheep pairing is particularly hilarious to me, maybe because I keep imagining them to be happy and in love...not that there's anything wrong with that.