Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pantsless = new black

Michael Cera, Jason Schwartzman & some other dude pose, shop, and ride bikes pantsless in GQ and it cracks me up. I haven't been posting much lately bc it's like dog days of internet with not much out there, but I found this worth sharing haha.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


If I'd spent $10 billion on a jacket and $6 squillion on my face I'd expect to not look like Kaa from The Jungle Book in a tranny wig.

This don't from Vice is endlessly funny to me!!

Sprouted Kitchen

I love discovering new food blogs, especially ones with amazing pictures and healthy recipes. So much inspiration! So few people to cook for..

Howl trailer looks gooood

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jonathan Levitt

Discovered this beautiful photography blog. At one point a pig is butchered and the images are fascinating.

John Lurie

Title: The Bird Has Absolutely no Face
Title: The Judge was Hypnotized by Alcohol
Title: You Are Here
Love this art and the titles are making me laugh. via Flavorwire

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy Weekend

Per usual Sunday morning I'm looking at photography, downloading music, and putting off homework. These two are wowing me with beauty. Hope your weekend has been equally relaxing. via Sabino.

Friday, July 9, 2010

NY Mag on "Why Parents Hate Parenting"

This article appeared in the latest issue on Wednesday, and I'm already reading critiscisms. However, I found it to be insightful and worth the read. As someone who often imagines the perfect and complete happiness that a family will bring in the next ten years of my life, I also often reconcile this ideal with the experiences I had as a young person with much younger siblings and all the stress and time (and joy of course of course) that they brought to our family. Kids are work. And if you're not aware of this going in then good freaking luck mang. In her standup, Wanda Sykes references her friends with kids who say "Kids are work..but they're worth it.." as eyes trail off in another direction. Funny, and on point I suspect.

The article sites that as with most things that can be tied back to economics, Danish people have the happiest homelife. Healthcare, Education and Childcare are all paid for, and women are granted a paid year of maternity leave after having a baby. Essentially what they're saying is that it's not raising kids that make parents less happy, it's the related and accumulated stresses involved. And later they point out that those people who chose to opt out of child rearing report less happiness later in life, so again, kids are work..but they're worth it. Bigger picture, the parents referenced in this article experience plenty of joy and happiness on a grander scale, but day to day with a family is an investment that takes commitment, time, energy, money and love. "Is happiness something you experience? Or is it something you think?" I'm sure those with actual children can weigh in more heavily here, but bottom line to me is that in considering multiple studies on general happiness, family life, and daily stress, things never become the perfect and complete happiness that is easy to imagine. You create your own happiness, your homelife can be what you make it, and kids are work, but they're worth it. Also, NY Mag is too hip to endorse families.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Um, woah..?

Rachel Maddow's yearbook picture a la this for real? And does anyone care besides me?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

For a hot day

Also of note, the little things.

As our country celebrated Manifest Destiny over the weekend, I pondered this insightful statement - "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes" (Proust). Pondered while blissfully sitting alone in my air-conditioned apartment for three days. It's easy for me to get swept up in bigger picture plans, and plan and plan, but it's in these quiet times that I rediscover the million beautiful details of my life. And in a season of light, nourishment and warmth, things start to lean in the other direction, becoming easier to get lost in those beautiful details. My Lululemon bag says "Breathe deeply and appreciate the moment. Living in the moment could be the meaning of life." Perhaps slightly cheesy, but perhaps very true. So, in praise of Summer, Quiet, and Independence, happy late 4th.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Apologies! It's a cat video.

Because this is so funny to me and will not die. It's almost as good as keyboard cat..

Summer, you guys

I meean, my kitchen smelled amazing before I even started cutting. I made ratatouille this weekend and spent $50 on just produce because I bought so much. And the recipe is great and easy - I've noticed that some ratatouille instructionals get a little carried away and ask you to cook for like three hours..not exactly my preference in a 100 degree apartment in July. Try it! You will like it! I added basil.

I also made this chickpea salad from 101Cookbooks and it is SO.GOOD. Aren't leeks great? Aand yes, I'm posting about leeks here, but dang. They impress me.